Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama

Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama


Through Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama we can apply different treatments with effects on muscle ailments.

Duration 45 minutes. Available in Cairo.

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Through Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama we can apply different treatments with effects on muscle tension and pain and other ailments.

Duration 45 minutes.

We will apply a dry cupping for contractures and muscle tension relieving joints and deeply relaxing the muscles. It is highly recommended for people who do intense sports, and its application on the back and legs is recommended. The session usually results in a feeling of release. Also to apply general treatments, such as for constipation, gastrointestinal disorders, emotional tension, stress, menstrual disorders or headaches and migraines among others. The dry cupping is applied on specific points steadily for between 10 and 20 minutes to treat different diseases. The suction cups can also be used with oils, moving them while performing the suction, providing an intense massage similar to deep tissue massage.

With the wet cupping we release stagnant blood and detoxify the body, solving chronic pain and psycho-emotional disorders derived from energy stagnation. Wet cupping is used by making small incisions in the skin to extract accumulated, excessive, or stale blood. It has a powerful detoxifying effect, restores vitality, makes you feel lighter and perform better on a physical and mental level.

Through Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama we can apply different treatments with effects on muscle tension and pain and other ailments.

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“The cupping method of treatment has actually been mentioned in the historical records of various great civilisations of the world, including Egypt, China, India, Europe and America. So that various cupping terms are known in the world in various languages including kop, cucurbit,
cupping, fire-bottle, blood-letting, pa hou kuan (Mandarin). Through the study of some evidence of historical records, it was found that the beginning of cupping was known to world civilisations since the Sumerian kingdom was established around 4000 years BC, then developed and expanded towards Babylon, Egypt, Saba and the land drained by the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers.

Cupping has been practised for a long time by the Chinese and some sources even state that China was the first nation to introduce cupping in the world.

Cupping in Egyptian civilisation is thought to date back to the reign of the Pharaohs, around 2500 years BC.

The oldest evidence of the practice of cupping in Ancient Egyptian times is found in the Ebers Papyrus, dated 1550 BC. The Ebers Papyrus is written in Ancient Egyptian and contains medical practices in Ancient Egyptian times, including 700 treatment formulas and therapies in various aspects including contraception, pregnancy, body infections, skin and eye disorders, burn treatment, cancer and tumour treatment and surgical approaches. Other evidence of Ancient Egyptian cupping practice was found engraved on the walls of a temple in the Kom Ombo area,
Aswan region. The temple was built during the Ptolemaic dynasty (180 – 47 BC).”(1)

In the Islamic tradition, wet cupping or “hijama” is practiced following the recommendation of the Prophet Mohammad SAS. In this case, its application is recommended during specific days of the month, related to the moon cycle. According to prophetic tradition, the hijama helps treat various ailments, improves circulation and promotes the maintenance of health.

Dry/Wet Cupping – Hijama is an intense, non-invasive therapy, with a high power to release tension, both physical and energetic. Both dry and wet cupping work provide positive aspects to our health, and the blood drainage from wet cupping has a special detoxifying and renewing effect.

Cupping is also available as part of our complete TCM acupuncture treatments.

(1)Tanjung QF, Prima A. History of Cuppping in Medical Perspective. Journal of Society Medicine. 2022; 1 (1): 8-13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47353/jsocmed.v1i1.3


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