Energy Healing Heat Therapy

Energy Healing Heat Therapy


Energy Healing Heat Therapy is a japanese tecnique in which heat is applied to the body through applicators with a medicinal incense based on mugwort in it. The heat penetrates deep into the body. Applied on the TCM energy meridians, a unique therapeutic effect is achieved.

Energy Healing Heat Therapy available in Cairo.



Energy Healing Heat Therapy is a Japanese technique in which a pleasant massage is done by applying heat.  Sticks of medicinal incense, made from the mugwort plant, are inserted into the applicators, generating comfortable heat with powerful healing properties. The heat penetrates deep into the body, undoing contractures and releasing muscle tension.
Applied on the energy meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Shiastu Masunaga, a unique therapeutic effect is achieved, strengthening, unblocking and mobilizing vital energy.
This simple, pleasant and warm technique is extremely effective in cases of chronic fatigue and weakness of the immune system.

It is also recommended for any type of physical pain, whether muscle contractures, rheumatoid diseases or fibromyalgia.

Finally, it has been shown to have beneficial effects on emotional alterations and psychological disorders.

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The application of pleasant heat makes Energy Healing Heat Therapy relaxing and comforting.

This method was originally called Ito-thermie. The Ito Thermie healing method was developed by the Japanese Doctor Kin-Itsu-Ito in 1929.
After many years working with western medicine he was utterly frustrated as he often could not help his clients at all. He longed to find a method that could reduce pain instantly while helping the healing process and that helps people to become healthy or even better, to stay healthy.

In the 90s, Professor Hideo Asai settled in Barcelona as director in Spain of the Japanese training school in Ito-termie and Shiatsu among other techniques. The Japanese school had a few representatives in different cities in Europe, working in small and exclusive groups of students. For this reason, even though it is an incredibly effective and pleasant therapy, it is not well known outside of Japan, and even there, it is known in the therapeutic environment but not to the general public.. Fortunately we had the opportunity to learn this technique directly from one of the first students in Barcelona of master Asai.


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