Healthy Couple coaching pack

Healthy Couple coaching pack


Pack of coaching sessions to improve your life as a couple

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Forging a happy marriage or relationship is not an easy task, and it does not come alone. How in everything, you have to invest an energy, work it. It is a narrow path, each step requires dedication, dedication, love, and in return the great reward of building a shared life. With the sessions of the healthy couple coaching pack we offer you a sincere look at yourself, at what you expect from the other, and what you really give.

We will approach different issues that must be in balance for the relationship to flow. Generate own spaces, communication spaces, even silence. Know how to listen and know how to communicate from assertiveness, avoiding judgment and aggression.

Also putting in common our priorities, values and objectives. Sometimes we fall in love and enter into a relationship without a true common ground, and we have to build it. Other times over the years each member of the couple evolves in a different way, and bridges have to be rebuilt.

Be that as it may, an attentive and sincere look, on all matters that affect life as a couple, is essential for a healthy relationship. Put our fears, projects, disappointments on the table. And be clear internally where we want to go, what is our scale of values, what we can accept and what not.

Give up the complaint and demand, know how to put yourself in the place of the other and try to find joint solutions through patience and understanding. Always with a positive attitude.


In the sessions that the healthy couple coaching pack includes, we will delve into these issues, conducting sessions together with your partner. In addition, individual sessions for each one, to deal with the part that has more to do with ourselves, with our shortcomings, with the family patterns that we project.

You dare?

If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change. – Michael Jackson, Man in the mirror


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