Personal Coaching Pack Accompany in Pain

Personal Coaching Pack Accompany in Pain


Seeing a loved one suffer generates impotence and anguish. So much that sometimes we don’t know how to act. With the personal coaching pack Accompany in Pain, we suggest you learn to better manage your own emotions, in order to be by the side of those you love in hard times.

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Seeing a loved one suffer generates impotence and anguish. So much that sometimes we don’t know how to act. With the personal coaching pack Accompany in Pain, we suggest you learn to better manage your own emotions, in order to be by the side of those you love in hard times.

There are many unavoidable situations such as a long illness, an accident, the death of a close person, that generate suffering. Others, sometimes it seems to us that they could change, such as suffering a situation of mistreatment or abuse, and they also generate impotence. But it is not always in our power.

Whether your child is bullied at school, or diagnosed with a psycho-emotional disorder. That your partner is being pressured at work and develops anxiety. Your close friend is going through a grief or abuse situation. A family member is battling the disease. In any of these situations, and many others, the best we can do is know how to accompany, know how to be. And it is not always easy.


When we believe that someone could change the situation they live in, we are outraged. Worry and anger make us have attitudes that generate pain rather than help.

When we are extremely saddened by a situation, we may not know how to manage our feelings, and we prefer to remove ourselves from the situation.

That is why many people end up having to face very delicate situations alone, where it is really essential to have a helping hand to accompany us. And how many timeslater do we think we should have done more to help.

The personal coaching pack Accompany in Pain wants to give you the tools so that you can be next to those who need it. Of those you love. To give them the best of you, and get the best of yourself. To dowhat is really worth doing.



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