Personal Coaching Pack Develop your Spirituality

Personal Coaching Pack Develop your Spirituality


With the Personal Coaching Pack Develop your Spirituality we offer you coaching sessions, where we will share introspection tools so that you can find your inner divinity.

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There is a Reality greater than ourselves, an Existence to which we are linked by the vital breath. We can call it Source, Universal Consciousness, Higher Mind, Divinity, God … it has as many names as hearts approach it. Whatever name you give it, with the Develop your Spirituality Personal Coaching Pack, you will be able to cultivate your relationship towards this Essence of Life, basic to generate confidence, contentment, and the ability to love.

Perhaps you have already developed this connection, but it is difficult for you to maintain it, there are moments of weakness and weakness in which it is difficult for you to trust. It is normal, like all relationships you have to take care of it, nurture it. From the mind and from the heart. And above all, carry out practices that lead you to experience, to direct connection, that which goes beyond words. It is pure perception of Reality, Certainty.

Who is he going to believe, me or his own eyes? – Attributed to Groucho Marx

With the Personal Coaching Pack Develop your Spirituality we offer you coaching sessions, where we will share introspection tools so that you can find your inner divinity. So that you can listen to your inner guidance, your heart and have knowledge and experience of Reality. If you belong to a specific Tradition, we will work from it.If you do not belong to any, we will also start from your worldview.

Let your inner light guide you, give you serenity, will and acceptance. Feel your placewithin the Totality to which you belong.

God is not a matter of the mind, he does not arise through the projection of oneself; it only comes when there is virtue, that is, freedom. Virtue is facing the fact of what is, and facing the fact is a state of bliss. Only when the mind is blissful, serene, without any movement of itself, without the projection of thought, conscious or unconscious, only then does the eternal come. – Jiddu Krishnamurti




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