Personal Coaching Pack Heal Wounds

Personal Coaching Pack Heal Wounds


Some events in life can happen to us that leave marks, wounds, traumas. With the Healing Wounds coaching pack we propose a path of self-healing.

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Some events in life can happen to us that leave marks, wounds, traumas. With the personal coaching pack Heal the Wounds we propose a path of self-healing.

We will analyze whatattitudes or emotions are associated with that specific event, and are not part of your true Being, but a trace of what has been lived. And with personal coaching tools you will learn to transform that emotionality. First, seeing all the beliefs that have been installed around him, such as “I deserve to be hurt”, or “they do it because he loves me.” We will disassemble them and generate in their place true pillars for your safety and self-esteem.Second, we will see what to do when in a specific situation of the present we feel like we did then. How to get to stop acting under the same pattern.

Doing so is possible, with the personal coaching pack heal wounds, and your determination.

There are no easy paths or shortcuts to personal growth. When we have suffered events with a great burden of suffering, defensive barriers are generated within us. This is fine, they sure helped us get ahead at a specific time. But as those barriers come to limit us, isolate us and take power over us, it is time to take the reins. Any life experience, no matter how hard, if we have overcome it, we can transform it into strength. That does not mean that we seek suffering, nor do we apologize for trauma. I wish no one had injuries. But they are. And we can only identify with them, let them decide who we are, or take advantage of them. Create the opportunity to get the best of ourselves, to go beyond our pain.

Whatever your current or past situation, whatever your experience, we are here for you. To create a safe space where you can express yourself, free from judgment. So that you can transform your pain into compost from which to flourish.


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