Shiatsu – Energy Healing Massage – Professional Training

Shiatsu – Energy Healing Massage – Professional Training


With the accreditation of the International Institute for Complementary Therapists, with recognition in the United States, Canada, the European Union and Australia, among others.

The Shiatsu – Energy Healing Massage – Professional Training is a course specially designed to acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to apply Shiatsu. Expand your professional possibilities on an amazing and wonderful journey for your personal growth.

Purchase online now and have INMEDIATE ACCES to the content.


YouThe Shiatsu – Energy Healing Massage – Professional Training is a course specially designed to acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary to apply Shiatsu. Expand your professional possibilities on an amazing and wonderful journey for your personal growth.

With the seal of excellence of the International Institute of Complementary Therapists, recognized in more than 30 countries, including those of the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia and South Africa.


Can be done both, online or face to face, in different modalities.


The Shiatsu Energy Healing Massage Professional Training consists of 192 face-to-face teaching hours, where a simple theoretical explanation will be made for, immediately be put into practice.

However, following the criteria of excellence of our school, all the theoretical material will be available online.

You will have available online 24/7:

Theoretical explanations of the application of shiatsu namikoshi and shiatsu masunaga, theory of the five elements, the 12 main channels, how to take anamnesis and diagnosis.
Original graphics of the application points, masunaga, classic and sinew channels, and treatment points.
Video tutorials where you can see the different applications and listen to the theoretical material explained.

The student will have access to the material for a year. Duing that time, they can request two individual tutorials to clarify doubts about the content or practice.

In this modality you can opt for the accomplishment certificate, the certificate of professional level, or the certificate of professional excellence.

For the certificate of professional level you must attend the 80% of face to face sessions. You should have at least 80% of average grade on the online course, demonstrate 100 hours of external practices and pass the final quiz.

For the certificate of excellence you must attend 100% of face to face sessions. You should have at least 80% of average grade in the online course, demonstrate 200 hours of external practices, pass a practical exam and pass the final quiz.



On this modality you have access during a year to all the on-line content that will allow you t practice Namikoshi, Masunaga and stretching Shiatsu. Also you have 5 on-line live sessions with your tutor for clarify any question you have about content or practice.

You have the option to have the certificate of professional level. FFor that you should pass the final quiz and demonstrating 100 hours of practices. You should do10 of them in a live on-line meeting with your tutor.

Additionally with this certificate you can enroll in our intensive practical face-to-face retreats to achieve the certificate of professional excellence.



On this modality you have access to all the online content pre-recorded during a year. You can achieve the certificate of accomplishment after complete the lesson quizzes and assignments with an 80% of grade.
This certificate allows you to enroll in our intensive practical face-to-face retreats.  With the practices face to face you can achieve the certificate of professional level and professional excellence.

Check the full program here.

Enjoy now the amazing journey of the Shiatsu – Energy Healing Massage – Professional Training. Choose a profession that changes your life.

Additional information


Face-to-face, On-line tutored, On-line


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