Shiatsu is a manual technique that became popular in Japan in the early 20th century by Tokujiro Namikoshi. The Japanese tradition of family care and responsibility for health, added to all the baggage of traditional Chinese medicine received over the centuries, creates a perfect setting for the development of this comprehensive therapy. Also influenced by Western therapies such as chiromassage and osteopathy, Namikoshi develops a technique focused on relieving pain in the locomotor system, relaxing the body and mind.
Later, his disciple Masunaga decides to recover and develop the acupuncture meridian system by applying it from Shiatsu. It uses the diagnostic method of the Theory of the 5 elements, the basis of traditional Chinese medicine, and gives special weight to the relationship of emotions with physical symptoms.The resulting Shiatsu Zen is an effective therapy in a multitude of physical and psycho-emotional conditions. : anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress, migraine, gastrointestinal disorders, and many more. Its application is warm and pleasant, and facilitates the accompaniment of the person in their healing process.
Later, Shiatsu in movement is developed, introducing stretches and mobilizations that help to rebalance the body physically and energetically.
In Barcelona, at the hands of Marc Juncosa, trained with great masters of acupuncture and Shiatsu, and having traveled to China on several occasions to deepen his study, ShiatsuNetsu was born, a type of Shiatsu that is based on the warmth and relationship of heart to Heart. It also uses a technique of applying heat to the body of exceptional quality. He also develops his own teaching plan at the Narayana school, where he teaches this Shiatsu method together with acupuncture, creating a complete and transformative professional course.
In Dunya we have been trained with this method, still collaborating as trainers in the Narayana school.
The Shiatsu that we share is a meditative Shiatsu, that listens, that responds to the particular needs of each recipient at all times. With this therapy, various pathologies can be treated, and it can also be used as a preventive method to maintain the energy balance of your body and maintain health. Its highly relaxing effect makes it an incredibly pleasant therapy to receive.
If you want to enjoy a special moment for yourself with the Shiatsu massage, we are available in Cairo.
You can book your appointment here.