The word yoga etymologically could be translated as union. The yoga technique would then be the way to union, but the union of what? With our yoga and meditation courses we will share these and many other questions.
Traditional yoga, of mystical origin, proposes two types of link: with the Individual Reality,the link with the being, with the conscience, with the original identity; and with the Universal Reality, with the true source, with the ultimate reality.
Then yoga is composed of all theknowledge, texts, ways, paths, techniques, practices,ethical concepts, aimed at achieving this union. Among them, like an unbreakable pillar, is meditation.

In our courses we will learn more about thetheory and philosophy of yoga. In addition to practice, it is useful to have a deep knowledge of what is being done, its origin, evolution, content, purpose.
Also, one of the techniques used by Yoga, meditation, has reached a weight of its own. That is why in our yoga and meditation courses we are going to give it a special place. We will propose internships, courses and training that will allow you to expand your theoretical knowledge and your practical experience
You can give a new dimension to your daily practice, go further, delving into the vast field of this spiritual path.
- The joy of trust: online meditation meeting10,00€ – 300,00€